Erin Field is on your side if you have been charged with sexual assault in the state of Connecticut.
If you're facing sexual assault charges in Connecticut, then you are feeling concerned, stressed, or worried about what the charges mean and what happens next. These feelings are completely understandable – after all, as an experienced CT sexual assault lawyer, I know sexual assault charges can be very serious and lead to significant long-term consequences. I have actually gotten rid of several cases for clients before the warrant even hit the prosecutor's desk.
That's where I come in. My name is Erin Field. I'm an experienced Connecticut criminal defense lawyer and I'm committed to helping you build the best possible defense to protect your rights and your future.
I know that every situation is unique, and as an experienced sexual assault lawyer, I will give your case the commitment and attention it deserves. There's a lot at stake when it comes to sexual assault charges as the penalties can be severe – ranging from monetary fines to significant prison time. Any CT sexual assault conviction can play a major role in your life for years or a lifetime, whether it damages your personal relationships or holds you back from getting a job you want. I'm committed to doing everything possible to have the charges against you dropped or reduced, and I'll be alongside you throughout the entire criminal process.
I realize that facing a sexual assault charge can put a tremendous amount of stress and strain on you and possibly those you are close to. I understand what you're going through, and I treat my clients with the utmost care and respect. As a defense lawyer for sexual assault, I have extensive training in this area and how to anticipate the prosecution's tactics.
I provide complete confidentiality to everyone who reaches out to my law firm and I will provide honest legal advice and highly skilled representation. For an immediate phone consultation on any sexual assault charge, please call me immediately. I answer my own phone, and I can talk to you right away.
What Is Considered Sexual Assault in Connecticut?
According to the Connecticut Penal Code, sexual assault can be charged in the first, second, third, or fourth degree, depending on the accusations. Each degree carries different penalties, and additional factors can aggravate a charge or be separate offenses.
The most serious of sexual assault charges is sexual assault in the first degree, which can be a Class A or Class B felony. Sexual assault in the first degree is punishable by up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000. The least serious is sexual assault in the fourth degree, but any assault of a sexual nature is viewed as serious by every judge in the state.
C.G.S § 53a-70a – Sexual assault in the first degree
Commonly referred to as rape, when an individual has sexual intercourse with another person by using force or the threat of force or when the victim is unable to consent to sex due to mental incapacitation or intoxication. This charge can be increased to aggravated sexual assault if the prosecutor alleges the offender used a weapon, purposely caused injury, or had two other persons present while the offense was taking place.
C.G.S § 53a-71 – Sexual assault in the second degree
Commonly referred to as statutory rape, this is sexual intercourse with someone 13 years of age or older but under 16 years of age and the perpetrator is more than three years older than the victim. This can also be charged against a person in a position of authority over the alleged victim.
C.G.S. § 53-72a – Sexual assault in the third degree
Sexual contact with force or threat of force, or with firearm or threat of use of a firearm. Unlike sexual assault in the first and second degree, intercourse does not have to take place, only sexual conduct, such as touching, groping, or fondling.
C.G.S. 53a-73a – Sexual assault in the fourth degree
Sexual contact with someone who is legally not to consent. It is charged as a felony if the victim is a minor and the perpetrator is three or more years older, or if the victim is incompetent or relies on the perpetrator, such as a stepparent. It can also involve touching of a sexual nature outside of a person's clothing.
A knowledgeable Connecticut sexual assault defense attorney can explain each offense in greater detail and provide information on possible outcomes for your particular case.
Sexual Assault Penalties in Connecticut
Sexual assault 1st degree |
A prison sentence of a minimum of 10 years and maximum of 25 years and a fine. |
Class B felony, if the victim is under 16 years old it is Class A |
Sexual assault 2nd degree |
You can be sentenced to 10 years in jail, and a fine of $10,000. |
Class C felony, if the victim is under 16 years old it is Class B |
Sexual assault 3rd degree |
You can be sentenced to prison up to five years and fined up to $5,000. If the victim is under 16 years old, a prison sentence of at least one year but no more than 10 years and a fine of no more than $10,000. |
Class D felony, if the victim is under 16 years old it is Class C |
Sexual assault 4th degree |
If the charge is classified as a Class D felony, the penalties include a prison sentence of up to five years, and a fine of up to $5,000. If the charge is classified as a Class A misdemeanor, the penalties include a jail sentence of up to a year, and a fine of up to $2,000. |
Class A felony, if the victim is under 16 then it is Class D |
How to Fight a Sexual Assault Charge in Connecticut
As an experienced Connecticut criminal defense lawyer, I can can help you fight a sexual assault charge, protect your rights and reputation, and work to seek the best outcome possible.
As your lawyer, I will thoroughly investigate your case, help you in asserting any possible defenses, and guide you through the complex legal process. If you are charged with an offense that requires you to register as a sex offender and do not have a viable defense to show your innocence, I can help you explore the possibility of a plea bargain. This could allow you to plead guilty to a lesser crime that does not require sex offender registration. I also may speak with you about going to trial, depending on what the State has for evidence and several other factors.
One common defense strategy is to deny that the sexual assault happened in the first place or that it did not involve the accuser. Forensic evidence, such as a rape kit and DNA, can be used to back this defense. Another common strategy is to contend that the sexual act was consensual. This requires highly skilled argumentation on the part of your lawyer and could rely heavily on the use of character witnesses, psychologists, and private investigators and obviously the conduct of the accuser.
Will I Have to Register as a Sex Offender in Connecticut?
In Connecticut, nearly all sex crimes carry the requirement of registering as a sex offender. If you are convicted of sexual assault, you will have to not only register as a sex offender, but also periodically renew that registration or face additional penalties. I have represented people where I was able to negotiate an outcome did not include sex offender registration, even on some serious sex assault charges.
There are three categories of individuals who will generally face sex offender registration if convicted. These include:
- Person convicted of an offense against a minor. This requires a 10-year period of registration for a first offense and lifetime for a subsequent offense.
- Person convicted of nonviolent sexual offenses. This requires a 10-year period of registration for a first offense and lifetime for a following offense.
- Person convicted of sexually violent crimes. These require lifetime registration.
Call me if you have any questions regarding the Connecticut sex offender registration. I will do everything possible to help you avoid a conviction for sexual assault and therefore avoid registration requirements.
How Can a Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer help me?
It's important to know that many criminal charges have a fair chance of resulting in a not-guilty verdict or being dismissed altogether. Many sexual assault cases that look bad on the surface play out much differently in the courtroom. As a skilled and experienced Connecticut sexual assault defense lawyer, it is my duty to expose all the problems in the prosecution's case against you.
Contact Me for Sexual Assault Defense Today
Contact experienced CT sexual assault lawyer, Erin Field of Field Law Office, LLC today to schedule a free and confidential consultation. During the consultation, I will go over the facts of your sexual assault case in detail and explain what I will do to defend you against the charges you face.
If you have been charged with sexual assault, you should speak with an experienced attorney asap. I always answer my phone, so give me a call now for a free consultation to discuss your case and defense.