Referred to as the Northeast's “premier music, arts, and camping festival”, the third annual Vibes gathering occurred a few weeks ago in Seaside Park. The festival has been back and forth between locations over the last few decades but seems to have settled back in CT for a while.
This year's festival was not without its interesting crime news. An article from the Connecticut Post reveals that the private agency responsible for security did not turn over confiscated drugs to the Connecticut police as they should have. This incident is under investigation.
Also, a body was found the second day of the festival. Despite early reports of a potential murder, it seems foul play is not suspected.
Lastly, a woman at the gathering reported she had possibly been sexually assaulted. This case is also being investigated.
Modeled after the lifestyle of Grateful Dead fans, drugs like marijuana and LSD aren't all that unusual at the Vibes festival. While the majority of these types of gatherings are non violent and uneventful, the drugs are still against the law.
Many people in neighboring communities don't like the temporary neighbors they get when the Vibes campers roll into town.
Despite the stigma around marijuana being far less than its other illegal drug counterparts, it can still pack a heavy punch when you are charged with possessing it.
Unfortunately, small amounts of marijuana have not been decriminalized in Connecticut as they have elsewhere. If you are found in possession of even a small personal stash, you can face criminal charges.
Some judges and prosecutors are willing to work out more lenient situations, however, for first time offenders.
If you are facing marijuana charges in the state of Connecticut, your best option is to retain a local attorney who is used to practicing in the area. Call me today to discuss your case.
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