The picture from this article, which shows the Connecticut chapter of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) at a Crime Victims Awareness event says a lot about how influential this lobbying group has become. MADD is pictured with Connecticut's Attorney General, police officers and Connecticut state prosecutors.
As a DUI defense attorney, I need to constantly remind the public of the rights of the accused (not convicted). Innocent until proven guilty is an idea that is sacred in the laws and history of this country, and is enshrined in our most sacred national document, the US Constitution. Yet, in DUI cases, innocent until proven guilty is a rapidly evaporating idea.
These lobbying groups like MADD are in a large part responsible for significant and continuing restrictions to our Constitutional rights.
If you are facing a DUI / DWI / Drunk Driving charge in Connecticut, please contact me for a free legal defense consultation and evaluation of your case. I can help you decide how to fight your charges in court, and protect your freedom and right to drive.
I never forget how the role of the defense attorney is critical to our rights as citizens.
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