A judge recently dismissed two charges of 2nd degree assault against former Red Sox player Jose Offerman. The dismissal comes at the end of a successful 2 year probationary period and the use of a legal practice called “accelerated rehabilitation.”
According to the Connecticut Post, Offerman was originally charged in 2007 with two counts of assault after a fight that erupted when he was playing for the Long Island Ducks.
Offerman was hit in the leg with a ball pitched by Bridgeport Bluefish player Matt Beech. Offerman charged Beech with a bat in his hand and ended up with a broken finger. The catcher, Jonathan Nathans, was reportedly struck in the head with the bat during the incident.
In October of that year, Judge James Ginocchio granted accelerated rehabilitation to Offerman.
Accelerated rehabilitation is similar to pretrial diversion in that it allows a defendant to serve a period of time on probation prior to answering to the charges. If the term is satisfied, the charges are dropped. It is often used in cases where the defendant doesn't have a criminal history.
For Offerman, the program meant anger management classes, restitution, and other common probation conditions like meeting with a probation officer and avoiding further law violations. Because Offerman completed his probation successfully, his assault charges were dropped.
Accelerated rehabilitation is just one option in the courts for people accused of their first criminal offense. It allows them to deal with the charges without having to plead guilty or fight through a trial. It also works to keep a conviction off of your permanent record.
Because second degree assault is a felony, the two years probation is a good bargain for Offerman.
If you are facing criminal charges like assault, possession of a controlled substance, or even DUI, I may be able to help. There are several options when it comes to addressing your charges and accelerated rehabilitation is just one.
Contact me today for some free legal advice and to discuss how I might be able to help.
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