New Haven Shoplifting Lawyer

shoplifting retail theft lawyer

Most people charged with larceny are honestly embarrassed, and can't believe they made such a mistake. But don't beat yourself up. A bad decision in a desperate moment doesn't mean you should suffer a terrible penalty. Often a New Haven criminal defense attorney can fix these cases with fairly minimal penalties, and you can move on from this incident quickly.

Shoplifting Crimes in New Haven, CT

Under Connecticut Criminal Laws, larceny is a charge that includes any kind of theft like shopliftingreceiving stolen property, or auto theft. It also includes embezzlement, false pretenses, and theft by fraud. If you are accused of a felony larceny or grand larceny charge, you need to be concerned with the serious consequences a felony conviction can have, including possible jail time.

For lesser larceny charges, you still need to consider the impact of a criminal record, and how you may be able to get your charges dismissed. If you are facing a shoplifting, larceny, or related charge, consult with an experienced Connecticut criminal defense attorney to find out what your options are in defending your rights and minimizing or eliminating the consequences of a criminal conviction.

What is Larceny in New Haven?

To commit larceny is to steal items of value. The act of larceny is defined under Connecticut Penal Law as “intent to deprive another of property or to … wrongfully take, obtain or withhold such property from an owner.” It could be a shoplifting offense, embezzlement, or even theft of utilities like electricity or cable TV.

Larceny/Shoplifting Penalties

Larceny penalties are based on the value of the items involved.

Degree Value of Items Penalty Classification
First Degree Larceny (Grand Larceny) (CSG 53a-122) Over $10,000
  • Up to 20 years in Prison
  • Fines up to $15,000
Class B Felony
Second (2nd) Degree Larceny (CSG 53a-123) $5001-$10,000
  • Up to 10 years in Prison
  • Fines up to $10,000
Class C Felony
Third (3rd) Degree Larceny (CSG 53a-124) $1001-$5000
  • Up to 5 years in Prison
  • Fines up to $5,000
Class D Felony
Fourth (4th) Degree Larceny (CSG 53a-125) $501-$1000
  • Up to 1 year in Jail
  • Fines up to $2,000
Class A Misdemeanor
Fifth (5th) Degree Larceny (CSG 53a-125a) $250-$500
  • Up to 6 months in Jail
  • Fines up to $1,000
Class B Misdemeanor
Sixth (6th) Degree Larceny (CSG 53a-125b) $250 or Less
  • Up to 3 months in Jail
  • Fines up to $500
Class C Misdemeanor

How to Beat a New Haven Shoplifting or Larceny Charge

For a first offense larceny or shoplifting charge, it is often possible to get the charge dropped in exchange for restitution and community service, which would prevent you from having a criminal record. Field Law Office, LLC will also argue for Accelerated Rehabilitation, which will allow you to be put on probation and have the charges dropped from your record after 13 months if you don't commit any additional offenses. With more serious felony charges, I can dispute the severity of the case and the value of the items stolen, and argue that they should be reduced to a point where the penalties are less severe.

Whatever the situation in your exact case, having an experienced criminal defense attorney in New Haven fighting for you can make a huge difference in the outcome, whether you are working for the best possible plea deal, or taking your case all the way to a jury trial. Contact me to find out how I can help you get through this problem, and get on with your life.


CT Penal Law – Larceny: Sec. 53a-119. Larceny Defined

Felony Larceny

  • Larceny in the first degree Sec. 53a-122. Class B felony.
  • Larceny in the second degree: Sec. 53a-123. Class C felony.
  • Larceny in the third degree: Sec. 53a-124. Class D felony.

Misdemeanor Larceny